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Disputes & Arbitration



We pleaded or acted as lead counsels in commercial and administrative disputes before Romanian courts for national and foreign clients (multinational companies or investors doing business in Romania) in cases regarding investments financed from EU grants, FIDIC construction contracts, competition (antitrust) cases, disputes related to renewable energy projects sale-purchase contracts, privatization operations, corporate disputes, insolvency, intellectual property, press offences and in a variety of administrative and tax lawsuits related to regulatory and permitting matters before the Romanian courts at all levels. We often deal with cross-border and international litigation issues, both within or outside EU jurisdictions.


Examples of significant representations recently handled by our lawyers include:

  • A major company specialized in natural gas distribution services, in the insolvency of the largest supplier of thermal energy in the city of Bucharest;

  • A major Swedish company involved in design and construction of international projects, in a dispute related to services provided to the Romanian national authority in charge of the road and transport system;

  • A top Swedish door manufacturer company, in employment disputes with former mid-management members;

  • A major oil company in employment disputes with former mid-management members;

  • A major supplier of electronics and technologies for the automotive segment with respect to various employment litigation aspects. We also represented the company in numerous criminal cases regarding offences perpetrated by the company’s employees and constitution of a criminal organized group, as well as in the actions of recovering damages resulting from such offences, brought in the criminal proceedings;

  • An international transport company, in various criminal and arbitral proceedings;

  • Pharmaceutical companies in a series of disputes against the National Insurance Health House, in fiscal disputes in relation to the claw-back contribution for financing the health budget;

  • A major oil company, in a complex dispute resulting from the cease of a contractual relationship of one of the largest oil & gas industry players with one of its suppliers, which involved commercial litigation, criminal complaints for forgery and official misconduct and assistance and representation in a long insolvency procedure;

  • A Romanian pharmaceutical producer in a competition law dispute with the Romanian Competition Council;

  • A leading investment fund, in various corporate disputes;

  • A local contractor in a major public procurement project in a dispute with the National Investment Company, a state-owned instrumentality in charge of public investment projects;

  • A subsidiary of a global utility company involved in environmental projects, in a dispute with one of its subcontractors;

  • A foreign investor, in complex litigations of corporate and administrative nature with its business partners and local authorities in respect of its joint-venture and investment in a local real estate project;

  • A US based investment fund in renewable energy, in a series of civil and administrative disputes related to the development of the largest wind farm projects in Europe;

  • A major Swedish bank, as civil party in a criminal lawsuit having as object the violation of the bank’s IT system and fraudulent transfer of amounts;

  • A major real estate UK investor, in connection with a criminal investigation against the CEO of a large real estate holding in Romania (also publicly traded in the UK) as well as against the project companies;

  • The recovery of an aircraft leased to a Romanian company by several international aircraft lessors, which involved advice on criminal liability of the judicial administrator of the insolvent company;

  • An insolvency/bankruptcy dispute regarding a significant pharmaceutical retail distributor for the recovery of over € 30 million, while also activating in the Creditors’ Committee on behalf of the client, a major pharmaceutical industry player;

  • A leading biopharmaceutical company in relation to two disputes arising from the deployment of a clinical trial;

  • Assistance to a company in connection with potential liability in relation to a EU-funded project;

  • Assistance to a large pharma company in connection with a whistleblower and related investigation and liability aspects, including from a criminal law perspective.

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